Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Double Monday

Just a quick update:

Monday: 5mi. on the treadmill @ 8:27/mi at lunch then 10 miles after work out at the (you guessed it) Bridle Trails. I don't remember the last time I ran a double. I was pretty beat for the first 4 miles until I ate a gel. I picked right up after that and finished well. 10mi. 1h24m.

Tuesday: back out to the trails near work for 5.3mi in 49:30. I tried to run it as a recovery run (ie: slow) and make sure to keep my HR low. I walked up the short steep pitches.

I hope I can keep up the miles this week.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


mthead said...

good stuff, you're pouring on the mileage!
Knock on wood, I've put in two decent 5 milers this week and am starting to feel hopeful that I'll get past my Achilles problems. You don't realize you miss it until you can't do it!

nrmrvrk said...

I saw that Mike. Nice work. It looks like your cross training has kept up your speed. Crappy that you've had such Achilles problems. Glad that they're on the decline.