Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Back in business

I didn't end up running over the weekend. My knee was still sore and I had too much to do anyway. I tried out the knee on the treadmill Monday instead. I wanted to run a conservative 5 miles and see how it felt with a plan to stop if I had any pain.

My knee felt fine during the run which ended up being a 9 min. warm-up mile followed by 3.5 miles at 8 min. pace with a 0.5 mi. cool-down. I started out with a 2.5% incline and lowered it a bit every mile.

After the run my knee was sore as I walked down the stairs to the locker room. As of right now it's still a bit touchy.

I'm taking an easy week of training this week, doing my weight lifting workouts at about 60%. The knee pain worries me thar I've re-torn my Meniscus somehow so I'm planning to take it really easy for a week or two. I hope to get back to long runs this weekend and continue training for the Mt Si. 50K in 3 months.

Knee permitting I'll get out for a run on Thursday.

Dist: 5.0
Time: 42:00

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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