Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Recovery wheel

I forgot to write about my 5 mile slow recovery run on the hamster wheel yesterday. I just set it to an 8:30 pace and hit 'start'.

My legs feel fine when I'm not running and my bad knee is a little more twitchy than usual when I run. I don't think I'll be doing any speedwork or tempo this week. I'm 3 weeks out from my 'A' race and I'm tapering until race day. I might try for some short hill repeats this weekend and a fast run next week but I'll cut mileage otherwise.

Yesterday's run put me over 100 for the month for the first time in probably a year. Serious ultra runners do that in a week but I'm happy to have enough time to get out and run this much.

Time: 42:21
Dist: 5.0

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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